King arthur pendragon rpg resources
King arthur pendragon rpg resources

For years, the Pendragons had “reigned” in a fairly self-contained manner, establishing themselves as traders and peacekeepers. In 1789, the royalty of Calladahn finally saw these would be rulers of the west as a threat. They both married into wealthy noble families, which allowed them to begin expanding south. Over a span of twenty years, they stealthily took over the majority of the western country, having amassed an army of followers, many of whom were worthy soldiers and horsemen. Kyros and Warren Pendragon swiftly expanded their iron hold to other mines, trade routes, and villages. This joint effort is likely the reason that the Pendragon name became famous. She bore three children, two sons and a daughter, and after a brief period of unrest, the two boys rose together to once again secure the Pendragon’s claim to the western mines of Calladahn. The unnamed Pendragon son was childless, but his only surviving sibling, a sister by the name of Terese was not. His mother eventually put an end to his reign of terror by sending him on a fool’s errand into a cave in the mountains, and then sealing him inside by collapsing it with catapults. He expanded the circle of power, unraveling his father’s peaceful transaction, enraging the citizens of Calladahn and inciting a number of brief, ugly conflicts over the course of a decade. It was said that some sort of demonic creature had taken root in the boy’s soul, rendering him harsh and merciless to the point where local townsfolk would not even speak his name, and to this day there are records describing the horrors of the second born Pendragon child, but whose name was blotted beneath thick black ink. The firstborn was killed before he could take over his father’s work, having fallen from a ledge, but there was always suspicion among the locals that it was the only witness to the tragedy, his younger brother, who had committed the murder. When Alastor died, his second eldest son took over managing the mines. Alastor married Maria a year later, and so the line. This was one of the only bloodless resolutions reached by a Pendragon. She spoke to Alastor in person, and a peaceful resolution was reached to solve the bottlenecked trade routes. This was due largely in part to a woman named Maria Wilfred, who saw Alastor’s peaceful reign and refused to attack, convinced five of her party of this, and boldly took the initiative to see this Pendragon for herself. Sending a party of bold mercenaries to investigate and remedy the situation, the “remedying” went south when half a dozen of them had a change of heart. Soon after this surprisingly bloodless takeover, tradesmen who relied on the silver and the freedom of the western roads began to catch wind that there was a man responsible for bottlenecking their trade. Slowly but surely, Alastor gained absolute control of the western mines. A powerful orator, and expert swordsmen, he was able to make followers out of the miners, providing them with protection and provisions in exchange for the vast amounts of silver that came from the mountains in the far west of Calladahn. Upon successfully defeating the raiders, Alastor quickly took control of the camp, and it was here that the Pendragon coat of arms was first erected. A man by the name of Alastor Pendragon defended a large mining camp from mountain raiders at the head of a small troop of mounted swordsmen. The name Pendragon was first heard with any sort of meaning early in the seventeenth century Annis Hominis. Arthur is the second High King of Ga'leah. Currently, there are only two Pendragons alive, Arthur and Gwenhwyfar. House Pendragon is the family name of the High Royalty of Ga'leah.

King arthur pendragon rpg resources